Helping Babies and Tots in Their Development

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Cognitive: Yes No
1. Finds hidden or partially hidden objects
2. Touches different textures such as paper, grass, food and doesn't mind being messy
3. Brings feet to the mouth
4. Plays peek a boo
5. Plays with a single toy 2-4 minutes
6. Tracks object horizontally and vertically
7. Looks at familiar people when named
8. Takes two, then three objects when offered
9. Looks for familiar voices and sounds or words
10. Looks at a picture book
Speech: Yes No
11. Shouts for attention
12. Babbles to people
13. Reacts to music
14. Waves or responds to greetings such as hi and bye
15. Baba sounds
16. Plays interactively with games like peek a boo with a small towel or hands
Gross Motor: Yes No
17. Sits with support or independently
18. Rolls back to side or belly
19. Bears some, or all weight on legs
20. Lifts head when lying on the back
21. Stands holding on
22. Beginning to crawl forward
Fine Motor: Yes No
23. Grasp object with palm of hand
24. Builds a tower with 2 blocks, starting to understand balance
25. Puts objects in a container
26. Picks up objects using thumb and pointer finger together
27. Bangs objects on a table
28. Crumple up paper
Social/Emotional: Yes No
29. Lifts arms to caregivers
30. Cooperates in games such as pat a cake or peek a boo
31. Explores environment enthusiastically
32. Shows others toys or objects, but not releasing
33. Smiles at mirror image
Self Help: Yes No
34. Sleeps nights 8-12 hours, may awaken for feedings
35. Naps 2-3 times per day, lasting 1-4 hours each time
36. Holds food source, such as a bottle or cup
37. Munches on solid foods, can finger feed self
38. Drinks from an open cup held for them

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