Helping Babies and Tots in Their Development

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Cognitive: Yes No
1. Moves to music
2. Hands a toy upon request
3. Places a circle in a puzzle or shape sorter
4. Places two or three nesting cups together by size
5. Turns pages in a hard cover book
6. Recognizes familiar family and friends
7. Understands when someone is pointing
Speech: Yes No
8. Says mama, dada specifically
9. Babbles when left alone
10. Uses 10-15 words in their vocabulary spontaneously, but consistently
11. Says "no" with meaning
12. Uses words or sounds with gestures or pointing
Gross Motor: Yes No
13. Stands
14. Takes 2-3 steps forward
15. Throws a ball underhand
16. Walks sideways
17. Runs or walks quickly
18. Stands on one foot
19. Shows balance
Fine Motor: Yes No
20. Points with index finger
21. Scribbling spontaneously
22. Picks up small objects and puts them in a container, then can dump them out and retrieve them
23. Uses both hands in center of the body
24. Builds a tower with three blocks approximately one inch cubes
Social/Emotional: Yes No
25. Likes to be around or in sight or hearing of others
26. Displays independent behavior
27. Likes and expects routines
28. Shows toy preference
29. Shows affection to caregivers and family
Self Help: Yes No
30. Sleeps 10-14 hours at night
31. Naps once per day, 1-3 hours
32. Removes hat, socks, puts hat on head
33. Holds open cup, drinks with some spilling
34. Eats with spoon with a thicker food

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